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1er Rendez-vous offert

Real support for change

Want a change in your professional life? YES !! But where to start ?

You want to analyze your  professional and personal skills?

Take stock of your career?

Or test your skills and  motivations for a professional development project?


The Skills Assessment is your time! It is  your moment to put yourself down, listen to yourself, take a step back and take a step back from a professional situation and  personal that no longer suits you. It is a question of carrying out an in-depth reflection to be in harmony with your  aspirations and professional context.


Who is the Skills Assessment for?

It is aimed at any active person regardless of school level, age or status. A good understanding of the French language is necessary to use the training materials, answer the questionnaires and carry out the tests.

How much does it cost ?

Fully funded by your CPF. We assist you in the administrative procedures and check the eligibility of your file.

The quote is sent in electronic format by email or electronically through the application.

Concretely, how does this happen ?

étape 1 

Are you interested?

Contact us
to 0
or by email

étape 2 

If you are still interested?

You receive a personalized quote, you confirm your financing method and sign your contract.

étape 3 

A first meeting is offered free of charge with one of our advisers.

You receive all the necessary information.
You choose face-to-face or remote.

étape 4

Your advisor contacts you and you start planning your first appointments.

The scheduling of meetings, whether face-to-face or remote, is done according to your expectations and your constraints.

Conduct of the skills assessment



Première étape essentielle, l'entretien-conseil personnalisé permettra de faire un point sur votre situation actuelle et de confirmer l’utilité de la mise en place d’un bilan de compétences.


Lors de cet entretien individualisé vous ferez connaissance avec votre conseiller, qui vous expliquera la méthodologie globale et qui répondra à toutes vos questions.


Bilan personnel et tests d’orientation et de personnalité :

- Analyse du parcours personnel et professionnel

- Exploration des centres d’intérêts, des valeurs, motivations et personnalité

- Réflexion autour des équilibres de vie.

- Analyse métier /marché et recherches documentaires :

- Exploration des voies d’évolution professionnelle possibles

- Analyse des compétences : savoir, savoir-faire et savoir-être

- Identification des « possibles », définition du projet et du plan d’action


Vers l’élaboration de votre projet professionnel :

Plans d’actions à court, long et moyen terme des principales étapes de mise en œuvre de votre projet.

- Remise de votre document de synthèse.

The Balance Sheet is built around 3 main spheres

Personal and Affective Sphere


My motivations, my beliefs, my values, my brakes, my anchor points

Social sphere


My environment, my clubs, my associations, my friends

Professional sphere


My acquired experience, my skills capital, my successes but also my failures

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